Bananas for everyone. 

Today we will discuss such an interesting thing as bookmarks. 

Browsers, browsers everywhere. Everyone uses the browser that he likes (the main thing is that it is not an Amigo, because its use is absolutely rightly condemned by both society and common sense). Of course, the times when RAM allowed only one or two tabs to be used effectively have passed and, today, almost everyone has a huge number of them. 

Personally, for most of the year, the number of tabs is kept at the level of two dozen. And sometimes, there are so many of them that thoughts about optimizing all this ugliness start to come into my head. And then services for creating and working with bookmarks come on the scene. As you could already understand, you can stuff a bunch of fun stuff there, and then quickly open the necessary tabs or entire tab clusters. Fortunately, my number of tabs is not so large, and I don't have to return to any of the sites very often, so a simple panel of selected sites is enough for me. And here are a number of my friends who, without specialized services, would have left for the yellow house long ago, sorting out all those hundreds of layouts that they have. 

Since I'm a historian at my mom's, we'll take a little look at the history of the appearance of this kind of applications. Delicious became a pioneer. The service was simple, convenient and significantly saved not only time, but also space on the device. 

Let's start with convenience and time: you could not just make a bookmark, but somehow sign it, designate it with color, which simplified orientation. Also, it was possible to create a kind of favorites list in order to open the most visited sites even faster, without searching among the other bookmarks. 

Now there is space on the device: the pictures you liked and other funny things could be saved directly into the application, without taking up a single byte on your device.

An interesting feature was also the ability to monitor changes in the bookmarks of other users, thereby learning about the release of new content much faster.

With this, the popularity of the application grew and grew, the audience grew stronger and stronger, ideas were born in the minds of users how to improve the service, how to adapt it to other regions, and, at one point, "the train made a boom"-similar services began to appear at a tremendous speed. Some were something unique, others copied the original with minor changes, some were successful, others remained in the anals of Internet history, some grew stronger and developed for many years-others languished and were forgotten. But all of them are united by one thing-the times of their poplarity have passed. Nowadays, browsers have taken over many of the functions of these applications, and they remain relevant only for those who have hundreds of tabs, and for those whose work is tied to the Internet (and they have long found several applications that are faster, more efficient and devoid of the disadvantages of many similar services: advertising, failure of sohaniy, bad synchronization with some languages, etc.).

I can't say something about certain services, make them top, etc., because I haven't used them. But if this "video" gets 1000 likes, then I will make an issue dedicated to this whole thing.

Peace to all.


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