Today there is nothing interesting on holidays, so there will be no interesting greetings. Hello everyone.

Today we will touch a little on the topic of surveys. Sociology is banned in Belarus- the issue is closed. 

Okay, it's not that unfortunate. For example, Internet surveys, and with them the resources for conducting them, are flourishing. In addition, they work. For example, I remember when the prices in the student canteen became like in the best restaurants in the Arab Emirates, my comrades and I gathered in our Mighty Bunch and, in the annual survey, left angry comments, after which, next year, prices dropped (coincidence? perhaps. or maybe not.).

Surveys on the Internet are used everywhere: by content makers to understand what their audience prefers; by various companies in order to collect information about the customer base and outline ways of further development; on various sites to make tops of any applications, places, etc.

As I mentioned above, in addition to the surveys themselves, there are resources for conducting them. Many of them have their own specifics: some are used to compile the user's answers in order, in the end, to give him the result of passing (like tests "What kind of smesharik are you (Kikoriki)?"); others are used, for example, to test the knowledge of students or consolidate the material (their specifics will be in the presence of correct / incorrect/partially correct answers, with an assessment based on the results of passing (of course, similar mechanics are used in the previous type of surveys, but there they have a more idle meaning)); there are resources that provide very detailed and diverse statistics not only based on test results, but also audience analysis, etc., which is used by companies for various purposes: creating a further product marketing model, choosing a specific line of business, and much more.

The most standard and common, but this does not make it worse, is Google Forms. Everything is simple, clear, easy access, there are no special restrictions, a section with results has been worked out in quite detail (many formats, diagrams, graphs), the ability to view the results of an individual user, which allows you to determine patterns. 

Twitter polls. We are waiting for Elon Musk to conduct a survey "Unban Trump?". In general, the scheme is working, but it was not without a "but". First, a little bit about the pros: the functionality is not inferior to our previous participant, but at the same time has a tangible plus: the ability to publish a survey in your profile, which allows not only subscribers, but also random users to stumble upon it and take a survey (this increases the sample). And if you have a very popular profile, then this advantage saves you from having to distribute this survey yourself. 

We turn to the announced disadvantages: difficulties with access in a number of territories, which greatly reduces the number of potential participants, especially among people who do not use Twitter, but simply click on the link (and they are met by the inscription: "I'm sorry. But you are banned for the reason..."). He also constantly offers to log in from his account, register, buy an elephant and other muck. Another tweeter likes to ban accounts simply because. For example, I had an account, empty, I visited it once every seven centuries just if I needed to see something on this network. So, I was banned for violating the rules of using the site (cavo?). Therefore, personally, as a potential participant in the survey, such an unpleasant experience discourages me from participating and when I see the word twitter in the link, I make a grimace of disgust and, with the words, "I didn't really want to", I just close the page/ site.

Further, more educationally oriented resources are Socrative and Quizlet. I registered, saw a huge, non-closing strip with purchase options and their versions, did not see the survey creation button, pressed different buttons for another minute, and turned off this platiude. 

There is also a good resource "survio". A trip to Google Forms, with an equally user-friendly interface. Of the pros: more formats when creating questions, it is possible to change the questions of the place (although not very convenient). But, as for me, the "results" section is inferior to the Google analog.

Personally, I conducted a whole test in Google forms. If anyone is interested, then below there will be a few screenshots with the results and even a link to the test itself.

Peace to all.


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