Since this post is published on 13.11, then you should know that this day marks the anniversary of how the interplanetary station "Mariner 9" entered the orbit of Mars, thereby becoming the first artificial satellite of this planet. And no, I did not bring up the topic, our guest today is only indirectly connected with space (and the information is just for general advancement). And we will discuss the Wiki a little bit, and how this resource can be used when teaching something. 

*someone write in the comments, maybe I should start writing headlines. because, according to my introduction, the only thing that can be understood is what symptom of schizophrenia has overtaken me this time. I'll read the comments, if it's still worth it, then I'll add them to all the posts, to simplify orientation in all this splendor*

Wiki, Wiki, Wiki. I really like Wikipedia. I am absolutely sincere. I don't know about you, but for me it's like my little synopsis, with thousands of different topics. I use Wikipedia in order to refresh something in my memory, briefly familiarize myself with something (and only then I go to resources with a more detailed analysis of individual moments). And the Wiki itself, thanks to dozens of referral links, links to related material, etc., can drag on for a long time. For example, I once read articles about the Russian-Japanese war, and I wanted to see what a lunette is in order to better represent the fortifications of Port Arthur. And as a result, I learned about the lunette, from above about the redan, redoubt, fleche, their detailed structural and tactical differences, why they are no longer relevant, moved on to the topic of trenches, studied the table "projectile caliber--> thickness of the breastwork", and only miraculously returned to reality.

Well, everyone knows perfectly well that an ordinary user can also make changes to articles on Wikipedia, which can be used when studying something, create collective articles, thereby covering large amounts of information and filtering information better. But this is all in theory, but in practice we are faced with the fact that for a long time it has been possible to make edits to articles in the same way as before: now it is necessary to pass certain filtering, verification by moderators, not all moderators are active on all articles, etc. Yes, many articles can be changed, your edit will be marked as "unverified information/ source", but, in fact, this function, no matter how funny it is, works most effectively only with jokes like changing the photo of Comrade Xi Jinping to Winnie the Pooh, but not in the case of serious scientific work. Yes, you can do such work on regular Wiki sites, but outside of the Wikipedia platform. However, these emerging remarks and clarifications do not do credit to the resource.

The situation is similar with fan wikis for some universes or projects. But a community is formed there more often, which means that ordinary users do not have to have access to editing articles directly, they can influence changes with other things: comments, etc. In general, it's a useful thing, I use it myself. 

Next, I will give a list of the Wiki ecosystem functionality for training and give a general comment (possibly with some details).

Student Profiles

Student portfolio

Course Grade Book

Dynamic Syllabus and Course Authoring Environment

Project space

Discussion board

Foreign language teachers can take advantage of a number of experimental tasks on vocabulary compilation and wiki-based writing, including :

Dynamic Group Vocabulary

Collaborative writing

Peer review

In terms of quality and convenience, all these functions are inferior to analog applications, and the only thing that distinguishes them is that they are united on one base, which connects individual functions, eliminates the need to have dozens of specialized applications and have a separate registration in each of them.

As a conclusion, I will say that at the theoretical level-the idea is not bad, but there are many complications like those described above; by the type that it is necessary to prepare both the base and students with ideas for this type of work; by the type that it is necessary to produce an integrated approach to the implementation of such methods, to change the education system, to train teachers to use these services effectively and with knowledge. And not just throw it, it will somehow form itself. Control is necessary here, so that it does not turn into a disgusting monster that only burdens, frightens and disgusts further activities. 

If it is read by young teachers, future teachers, etc., then do not neglect such services, study them, understand how it works, how to use it. After all, this will be useful to us in the future, because we need to change this system at least for the sake of our descendants, and we must do it qualitatively. 

Peace to all.


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